Il - proċess ta 'ttremprar ta'Fojl tar-ramhuwa pass importanti fil-produzzjoni ta 'fojl tar-ram. It involves heating the copper foil to a certain temperature, holding it for a period, and then cooling it to improve the crystal structure and properties of the copper foil. The main purpose of annealing is to relieve stress, improve crystal structure, enhance the ductility and toughness of the copper foil, reduce resistivity, and improve electrical conductivity.
Fil - proċess ta 'produzzjoni ta'Fojl tar-ram irrumblat, L-ittemprar huwa pass ewlieni li ġeneralment iseħħ wara l-irrumblar kiesaħ. The production process of rolled copper foil includes melting, casting, hot rolling, cold rolling, annealing, further cold rolling, degreasing, surface treatment, inspection, and slitting and packaging. The annealing process of rolled copper foil can improve its resistance to bending because it has a flaky crystalline structure with high orientation on the (200) crystal plane, which generates slip bands after bending, alleviating the passive accumulation inside during bending.
Il-karatteristiċi tal-fojl tar-ram ittemprat jinkludu:
Struttura tal-kristall imtejba: L-ittemprar jista 'jirranġa l-kristalli fil-fojl tar-ram, iserraħ jew jelimina l-istress.
Duttilità mtejba u ebusija: Minħabba t-tnaqqis tal-istress, il-fojl tar-ram isir aktar li jista 'jaħdem u li jista' jiġi ffurmat.
Reżistività mnaqqsa
Reżistenza għall-korrużjoni msaħħa
Fojl tar-ram, li indirettament taffettwa l-prestazzjoni tal-fojl tar-ram ittemprat.
POST TIME: AUG-05-2024